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lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008

Concentration of Venezuelans in Exile in front of the White House,

December, 2008
The Organization of Venezuelans in Exile, ORVEX, will be conducting a concentration at the Lafayette Park, by Pennsylvania Avenue, in front of the White House, from Monday January 12 to Friday January 16, 2009, between 10 am and 4 pm, with a vigil on Thursday January 15 until 10 pm, in which we would be requesting President George W. Bush to grant Deferred Enforce Departure (DED) to thousands of Venezuelans in the U.S., who fear returning to a country controlled by a terrorist disguised as a democrat, before he leaves office in January 20.

ORVEX, Organization of Venezuelans in Exile, was founded in Miami, Florida, United States of America, on April 11, 2005, as a help center for the increasing number of Venezuelans who are seeking the freedom and democracy that are being denied to them in their home country. Since October 2005, we have been advocating a temporary protection known as "DED" (Deferred Enforced Departure) for Venezuelans who fear returning to a country who is governed by a person, Hugo Chavez, who hates the U.S. as well as those who have been seeking protection in this great and wonderful country.

"DED" is a protection granted through an executive order given by the President of the United States.

On March 26, 2007, five congressman lead by Lincoln Diaz-Balart sent a letter to President George W. Bush requesting such protection for Venezuelans. President George W. Bush received such request, and he has neither approved nor denied it.

Venezuela has been undergoing an extreme transformation as never seen before in our history. A government democratically elected in December of 1998 has lost its democratic course since all powers are practically in the hands of only one person, Hugo Chavez, who carries them out in an arbitrary and despotic way, and who is implanting in Venezuela a terrible regime similar to the one Fidel Castro implanted in Cuba, which is being disguised as a democracy thanks to a Media Law that encourages self censorship and to an accommodating opposition.

Among the many human rights violations committed by the Chavez regimen we have the creation of a “MAISANTA LIST” in 2003 to discriminate dissent, the murder of around 130,000 persons during his ten (10) years in power, in which an unknown number are political murders disguised as “common criminal murders”, the passing of 26 law-decrees on July 30th, 2008 to implement a constitutional reform that was rejected by the Venezuelan people on December 2nd, 2007, and his arbitrary desire of calling up a referendum to amend the Constitution, which would allow him to remain in power for life, an unconstitutional measure already rejected by the Venezuelan people.

"DED" is different from a "TPS". While a "TPS" (Temporary Protection Status) is requested by the authorities of a foreign country in favor of their nationals who are illegally in the U.S. and approved by the Secretary of Homeland Security, "DED" is an executive order issued by the President of the United States in favor of nationals whose physical and psychological integrity as well as their lives are in great danger due to extraordinary changes in the circumstances of the country.

"DED" was granted for the first time in the U.S. in 1990, and this protection has benefited groups of persons coming from LIBERIA, CHINA, HAITI and two times EL SALVADOR. Up to this date, this protection has been granted in five (5) occasions, and we are requesting President George W. Bush to grant it to Venezuelans before he leaves office on January 20, 2009.

Any person, from any country, can join the concentration if favor of Venezuelans in Exile.

For more information, visit (Spanish language website) or call at (305) 718-8377 or (305) 300-7592, or write an e-mail to

Elio C. Aponte
Organization of Venezuelans in Exile
(Organización de Venezolanos en el Exilio, Inc).
Ingraham Building
25 SE 2nd Ave., Suite 311
Miami, Florida 33131

The event is also shown in FACEBOOK (in Spanish):

domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2008

Venezuela to seize Canadian interests

Venezuela will seize several gold mining concessions that previous governments granted private operators, in a bid to supplement falling oil prices with proceeds from state-controlled gold, President Hugo Chavez said yesterday.

Chavez named no specific contracts or companies to be affected, but his mining minister has vowed to next year take over the country's largest mine, Las Cristinas, which is operated by Canadian mining company Crystallex International Corp.

"We are taking back some concessions that former governments have given, and whose permits are still held by some rich people, (in order to reduce public reliance on oil)," Chavez said.

Venezuela relies on oil for 94% of exports and roughly half its federal budget, making it unlikely that its largely undeveloped gold reserves could compete.

But Chavez said Venezuela must "increase the country's income through non-oil exports," including its world-famous cacao and products from recently nationalized steel and cement companies.
Chavez acknowledges that oil prices -- down 70% since topping US$147 a barrel in July -- will affect Venezuela, but he insists the wealthy will suffer more than the country's poor, who benefit from record social spending programs that he vows to continue.

"Social investment will not be halted," Chavez said Friday. "This, for us, is sacred."

Calls to Crystallex's Toronto headquarters went unanswered yesterday.

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

If re-election referendum fails I'll start packing bags: Hugo Chavez

HUGO CHAVEZ Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Tuesday he would leave office when his current term ends if voters reject a proposal that would allow him to run for re-election indefinitely.

Venezuela's National Assembly, controlled by Chavez supporters, last week approved holding a referendum on amending the constitution to allow indefinite presidential re-elections. Voters are likely to cast ballots on the issue in mid-February.

"In the supposed case that we would lose" the referendum, Chavez said in statements broadcast on Venezuelan television, "I would begin to pack my bags, count my remaining months and years, and work intensely to prepare for ... whoever comes after me."

If the political opposition "obtains a victory, I would be the first to come out here to recognize it," he said.

Currently Venezuelan presidents can only run for re-election once, at the end of their six-year term in office.

Chavez, first elected president in 1998, was re-elected in 2006 for a term that ends in February 2013. Venezuela's constitution was changed in late 1999, allowing Chavez to run for an additional re-election.

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008

NICOLAS MADURO Miente : Firmas en el exterior a favor de la enmienda

Miami, Florida.- Nicolás Maduro. el canciller del gobierno ilegítimo y usurpador del terrorista Hugo Chávez miente al afirmar que los venezolanos en el exterior firmaron de manera masiva a favor de la enmienda que le permitiría la reelección indefinida al dictador venezolano disfrazado de demócrata.

La afirmación la hizo ayer Nicolás Madura, indicando que "más de la mitad de los venezolanos en el exterior" firmaron a favor de la enmienda, y la misma forma parte de la manipulación mediática continuada que mantienen los traidores a la patria venezolana, genuflexos al regimen castrista, como parte de sus acciones conspirativas para destruir la forma política republicana que se ha dado la nación venezolana, delito tipificado en el artículo 132 del Codigo penal en Venezuela.

La cifra dada por Maduro es falsa. Solo en los Estados Unidos se estima que haya alrededor de 200.000 venezolanos en peligro de ser deportados y que se encuentran en ese país, huyendo del sistema represivo de Hugo Chávez. El 1 % de esa cifra, ha entrado a los Estados Unidos por México, tal y como hacen los mexicanos y centroamericanos ilegales.

Alrededor del mundo se habla de unas 2.000.000 de personas que han salido de Venezuela por la situación política del país.

De modo que las cifras dadas por Maduro son falsas.

Ellos, los conspiradores, quienes no tienen mayoría en Venezuela, mantienen una política de desinformación y distracción que busca tapar la política de exterminio que mantienen para desaparecer a quienes no somos parte de sus acciones delictivas. Además, se mantienen en el poder mediante un fraude electoral continuado.

El plan de exterminio del régimen de Hugo Chávez carga a cuestas 130.000 asesinatos en 10 años, muchos de los cuales son ejecuciones políticas disfrazadas de crímenes por hampa común. Además, este régimen asesino cuenta en su haber con presos políticos y de antojo que aún no han sido juzgados, y que constituyen parte de las violaciones a los derechos humanos y delitos de lesa humanidad que han sido denunciados, respectivamente, ante la Corte Interamericana de los Derechos Humanos (adcrita a la OEA) y la Corte Penal Internacional de La Haya (adscrita a la ONU).

Asimismo, el plan de exterminio incluye la persecución de quienes no somos parte del "Proceso Revolucionario", que viene a ser el proceso de destrucción del actual sistema republicano; persecución realizada por grupos civiles armados que defienden tal proceso y agentes en los cuerpos policiales del régimen, y cuyas víctimas aún permanecen en Venezuela mientras que otras han salido al exilio.

En vez de firmas en apoyo a una enmienda inconstitucional, en el exterior el régimen chavista se encontrará a un exilio venezolano organizado, dispuesto a denunciar sus crímenes. Ellos, los conspiradores, dirán que las acciones del exilio venezolano son parte de la "campaña internacional" orquestada a nivel mundial por grupos de derecha; sin embargo, todos sabrán que ellos mienten, y tarde o temprano el gobierno de Venezuela quedará aislado en el mundo hasta que el mismo colapse y sus miembros paguen por los crímenes cometidos.


lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008


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LA STAMPA : eje del mal : Teherán-Damasco-Caracas

Irán utiliza los vuelos comerciales que opera la aerolínea venezolana Conviasa en la ruta Teherán-Damasco-Caracas para transportar tecnología militar, un movimiento con el que se evaden las sanciones impuestas por la ONU al Estado iraní, aseguró el domingo el diario italiano La Stampa.

Según el periódico, esto es el fruto de un acuerdo al que han llegado el presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, y su homólogo iraní, Mahmud Ahmadineyad, para, entre otras cosas, fortalecer la presencia de Irán en Latinoamérica, que ya conocen los servicios de inteligencia de algunos países occidentales.

"Chávez permite a Ahmadineyad operar libremente sus propios aviones de línea y obtiene a cambio ayudas militares'', afirmó el rotativo en una información fechada en Nueva York por su corresponsal, Maurizio Molinari, quien asegura basarse en un informe del servicio de inteligencia estadounidense.

En concreto, aseguró el periódico, se trata de "ordenadores de control de misiles y material para el desarrollo de vehículos, empezando por la fabricación de sus motores''.

Según el diario, en la maniobra está involucrado también el grupo industrial Shahid Bakeri, incluido en diciembre del 2006 en la lista de las empresas afectadas por las sanciones de la resolución 1737 del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, "a causa de su implicación en el desarrollo del programa de misiles de Irán''.

"Teherán ha podido encontrar, gracias a los aviones que garantiza Caracas, un sistema de transporte con el que obviar los crecientes problemas a los que se enfrenta en la importación y exportación de material prohibido tras los controles más rígidos que llevan a cabo las autoridades turcas'', afirmó La Stampa.

El diario explicó que las relaciones entre Teherán y Ankara se han enfriado después de que las autoridades turcas interceptaran hace unos meses un cargamento de ordenadores militares provenientes de China, de los que una parte se iban a quedar en Irán y otra pasaría a Siria.

El transporte de ferrocarril entre Teherán y Damasco, apunta La Stampa, es también cada vez más difícil desde que en mayo del 2007 un tren que salió de Irán se descarriló mostrando el cargamento de armas que iba destinada a la organización Hezbolá.

A cambio de este flujo de tecnología militar, Chávez obtiene un "consistente'' paquete de ayudas, entre ellas, "el compromiso iraní de enviar instructores a Caracas para la policía secreta y los servicios de inteligencia'', aseguró el rotativo.

"Para Chávez los instructores iraníes son un útil instrumento que permiten a sus propias fuerzas de seguridad ser más eficaces contra los opositores internos'', añadió.

Según el diario, el jueves se inauguró en la capital iraní la feria comercial de los llamados ‘‘Países de la Alternativa Bolivariana para las Américas'', entre los que se encuentra Venezuela, algo que "desafía las sanciones impuestas a Teherán contra el desarrollo de la energía nuclear''.

Chavez Seizes More Private Property in Venezuela

President Hugo Chavez ordered construction halted on a major shopping mall in Caracas on Sunday, saying the government will expropriate the unfinished building.

Chavez said the new Sambil mall would severely clog downtown Caracas with traffic and would not be permitted to open its doors.

"We're going to expropriate that and turn it into a hospital — I don't know — school, a university," Chavez said to applause during his Sunday television and radio program, "Hello, President."

Constructora Sambil, the company building the mall, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. It operates Sambil malls in cities across Venezuela, including another vast shopping center in Caracas.

Chavez objected to the new mall scheduled to open in Caracas' downtown La Candelaria district next year, saying the area is already so crowded that "not a soul fits." The hulking concrete and brick structure takes up an entire city block and according to the Sambil Web site was to include 273 shops.

The Venezuelan leader said it would be out of line with his government's socialist vision to allow such a mall to take up precious urban real estate _ and that unbridled consumerism isn't his idea of progress either.

"How are we going to create socialism turning over vital public spaces to Sambil?" said Chavez, who has nationalized Venezuela's largest phone company, electric utilities and oil fields.

The president also has urged Venezuelans to shed their materialism and their taste for designer clothes, sport utility vehicles, Scotch whisky and plastic surgery.

Yet consumerism has flourished in recent years, with the economy awash with cash and windfall oil earnings rolling in. Malls are often packed, and new shopping centers have been sprouting up quickly.

The president did not say how much the government might pay the mall's owners in compensation.

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2008

Then and now, Venezuela and Cuba, 1960-2008

Watching Hugo Chavez orate on Venezuelan television rings old memory bells. “Socialism. Revolution, Patria.” Words I heard in 1960-61 in Cuba.

Now, almost half a century later, in Venezuela’s 5 million plus capital, I watched the local residents cheering and waving flags, a scene that looked almost identical to what I remembered in Havana when Fidel Castro launched his marathon exercises in exciting rhetoric.

Like his Cuban mentor, Chavez offered examples of how “imperialism” — his word for the United States — had violated sovereignty, by backing the unsuccessful 2002 military coup against him and how Washington interfered in the internal affairs of smaller countries.

What a difference the decades make! In the early 1960s, the CIA (using Cuban exiles) assassinated Cuban teachers and militia members, and sabotaged Cuban installations. I remember hearing explosions, shots, and screams from the street.

From May through October 1960, I heard Fidel speak frequently to large crowds. He had become what Lee Lockwood called “Cuba’s living newspaper.” (Castro’s Cuba, Cuba’s Fidel, 1967)

Almost fifty years later, Fidel’s ideological son attempts to apply some of his mentor’s rhetoric towards similar goals: to build a socialist society in a nation where oil has helped produce a capitalist mode of thinking and doing (shopping), a large wealthy class and a much larger mass of poor people.

Fidel exported his mortal enemies to the United States. Or, Washington had a policy of importing them. Out of Cuba, wealthy exiles could only mount terrorist campaigns — for almost 50 years — but not block the dramatic changes that allowed Cuban revolutionaries to transform their island.

Chavez doesn’t have the option of exporting the wealthy oligarchs, the business class below them and the professionals who adhere to distinctly anti-socialist values. Nor will Washington return to its old “import the anti-Castro Cubans” policy.

He retains strong support among the poor and especially among the most conscious sectors of Venezuela’s organized working class. He also knows that if he wins the February referendum he has the chance to remain as President until 2021. As much as he admires Fidel, Chavez will not copy the economic model of Cuba. Socialism in Venezuela will eschew Soviet models for other — as yet unknown — economic arrangements.

As Chavez has observed, eighteen years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuba’s economy staggers.

After spending a week in Caracas, I walked the streets of Havana and saw groups of young men drinking beer and singing along to reggaeton beats on portable radios or Ipods with speakers.

“And where do these lazy bums get the money to buy beer and acquire fancy music boxes?” asks a middle aged woman in Marianao, one of Havana’s populous neighborhoods.

“I’ll tell you where,” she answers her own question. “They steal.” Then came her anecdotes about how the criminals learn from some TV shows and put woolen ski caps over their heads and faces to conceal their identities. “One of these bums pointed a pistol at a neighbor and stole her motorbike. He had cut slits out and she saw he had green eyes. But so what? Thousands of Habaneros have green eyes.”

I heard her complaint echoed several times. “If we don’t do something to reform the labor system here,” said a writer friend, “we’re in deep trouble. Raul [President Raul Castro] himself said so. We can’t afford to continue down this road. On top of the hurricane damage, we now face rising crime and that is obviously linked to the refusal of some young people to work at the jobs that exist.”

He referred to three powerful super storms this year that devastated Cuban agriculture and destroyed hundred of thousands of homes. Nevertheless, Cuba’s tourist industry claimed that by year’s end some 2.3 million foreign visitors will have vacationed on the island, among them almost 700,000 Canadians. Tourism earned more than $2 billion.

Younger Cubans I speak to express resentment “at how the old guys have risen from the grave [he meant Machado Ventura and Ramiro Valdez, who have rejoined the Politburo of Cuba’s Communist Party].” The young man spoke with passion. “I’m a committed socialist, but paternalism may kill our revolution. Will those old fogies never quit?” Yes, I think, when will the very aging leaders give the car keys to the middle aged kids? People in the mid and late 70s who have wielded power for decades and offer little originality do not exactly vibrate with inspiration at a time demanding creative and revolutionary thinking.

Other young people recount the achievements — health, education, art, music, sports, science, as well as real human rights. But none of these past glories deals with an unjust and insufficient salary structure, with mediocre but very obedient people heading agencies containing critical and brilliant people.

Raul’s daughter, Mariela, has spoken publicly about the urgent need to reform in several areas. Her courageous remarks about putting an end to homophobia on the island carry a sub-textual message as well. It’s time to put an end to the decades of official censorship, not only in the case of “dangerous” bloggers, but journalists who get chewed out by some of the old guard for writing “sentences you should not have written.” Indeed, I dare not mention the writer’s name for fear it will cause more problems.

“We have too much invested in our revolution,” a writer for Juventud Rebelde told me, “to allow the old guard to ruin everything by not allowing discussion of issues everyone knows about [referring to the irrationality of the economy and the refusal to cede power]. Cuba stands for basic human rights even if the government refuses to grant some of them. Our future must be one of enjoying. Our generation, people between 30 and 60, knows that.”

I agreed. So many people have invested their hopes and dreams in the Cuban revolution for five decades. Every time Cuba does something we think contradicts its basic revolutionary principles, we wince. “Cuba hurts,” wrote Eduardo Galeano. Right now lots of Cubans are hurting because of the condition of their daily lives. Hurricanes and a less than perfectly functioning system don’t amount to the old one two punch. But they are worrisome, especially in the context of pressure in today’s world.

Cuba offered a vision for the future despite the paternalism and other less than democratic legacies it carried. It also stood for the embodiment of human rights, again notwithstanding the absence of a free press and a voice for the opposition in its electoral politics. Cubans had rights to food, shelter, education, medical care, old age securities — albeit not the absence of fear on the part of those who made public their criticisms of government policies. However, Cuba did not hunt down and murder “subversives” as did a gang of states, in Latin America — backed by Washington. Nor did it launch aggressive wars in Southeast Asia and the Middle East as did the United States, which officially celebrated, on December 10, the 60th anniversary of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

That day should have been a day of mourning for 60 years of failure to achieve the noble goals of the Human Rights declaration. Two wars rage on in Iraq and Afghanistan, while increased global warming vitiates the right to a safe environment. Almost 3 billion people suffer the very deprivations that in 1948 were officially the targets of all the world’s governments. Some cause for celebration!

Human rights in the United States have shrunk. In 1945, the U.S. prosecutor at Nuremberg explained that waging aggressive war was permanently outlawed. In 2003, George W. Bush waged aggressive war in Iraq. In the post World War II era, torture became a crime against humanity. In the 21st Century, Bush reauthorized it. Waterboarding became associated with U.S. jailors at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo, Cuba. European allies cooperated with the United States in secretly transporting people to torture centers in other places as well.

Meanwhile, Chavez, attacked by Washington for being antidemocratic, has expanded the breadth of human rights for Venezuelans. They now enjoy more health-care, women have gained greater equality, more poor people have learned to read and have access to potable water.

These accomplishments coincide with the spirit of the 1948 UN Declaration on Human Rights. It seems as if the U.S. government has forgotten the goal and uses only the words as an instrument of policy to attack its enemies while it violates the letter and spirit of the very human rights laws U.S. lawyers helped to establish.

sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008

Venezuela Rights Report Questioned

WASHINGTON, Dec 19 ( - Over 100 Latin America experts have called into question a recent report that was deeply critical of the human rights record of Hugo Chavez's administration in Venezuela, saying the group that published the report has undermined its own credibility by producing a report that "is politically motivated, as well as grossly exaggerated, based on unreliable sources, and advertises broad and sweeping allegations that are unsupported by the evidence."

The following letter has been sent to the Board of Directors of Human Rights Watch, carrying the signatures of over 100 U.S. and foreign Latin American scholars. The letter raises serious concerns over that organization’s recently issued highly critical report on the human rights situation in Venezuela and the conduct of its president, Hugo Chavez. It is now being distributed by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs to its mailing list at the request of a number of signatories of that document. COHA’s staff is taking this step (with considerable reluctance) because it feels that it is obliged for any organization committed to social justice and democratic values, to speak out regarding the dispute now raging over HRW’s recent and very controversial report on Hugo Chavez’s human rights performance.

Any reservation COHA may have had over taking issue with a sister organization was voided by the egregiously inappropriate behavior exhibited by HRW. Most specifically it was the issuance of this report and the needlessly venomous tone resorted to by HRW’s head for Latin America, Jose Miguel Vivanco. In his charges, HRW’s lead researcher and writer of the report used intemperate language and patently disingenuous tactics to field a series of anti-Chavez allegations that are excessive and inappropriate. It is not a matter that President Chavez and the Venezuelan government are above reproach—far from it. The problem is the presence of a mean-spirited tone and a lack of balance and fair play that characterizes Vivanco’s reportage and his tendentious interpretation of the alleged misdeeds of the Chavez revolution are demonstrably bereft of scale and accuracy.

The failings of Vivanco’s scholarship are strongly contested by the scholars’ letter and the research compiled by a brilliant student of contemporary Venezuela, Dr. Gregory Wilpert. His study, Smoke and Mirrors, can be found by clicking on this link:

Vivanco demonstrates an inability to distinguish President Chavez’s bark from his bite; and it is a distortion to characterize the Venezuelan leader as a prime human rights violator, a charge which already has attracted a good deal of notoriety. In other words, Vivanco continuously confuses Chavez’ often shamelessly antic style for his otherwise solid, if brassy, democratic credentials. Of course, COHA’s pages will be opened for debate on these issues.

jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

SIEMENS : la revolucion avanza a paso de corrupcion

El lunes 15 de diciembre del presente año, la autoridad bursatil estadounidense "Securities and Exchange Commission", tambien conocida por sus siglas "SEC", divulgó un comunicado en el que se presenta un arreglo entre esa entidad y la empresa alemana SIEMENS, luego de que esta última fuese acusada de corrupción, con una multa de Mil Seiscientos Millones de Dólares Americanos (US$ 1.600.000.000,00).

Entre varios puntos, la agencia SEC indica en su comunicado que entre el 12 de marzo de 2001 y el 30 de septiembre de 2007, la empresa SIEMENS pagó en comisiones la suma de Mil Cuatrocientos Millones de Dólares Americanos (US$ 1.400.000.000,00) a personeros gubernamentales de varios paises en el mundo a cambio de obtener contratos. Entre los proyectos que se consiguieron mediante el pago de jugosas comisiones a agentes gubernamentales corruptos se encuentra el diseño y construcción de lineas de un Metro en Venezuela.

Con razón la inauguración de la Linea del Metro en Los Teques, Edo. Miranda, a principios
de noviembre de 2006, fue toda una fiesta.
Aún cuando el informe del SEC no menciona con especificidad a que lineas del metro se refiere, si hubiese una Fiscalía General seria en Venezuela, esta información sería más que suficiente para iniciar una investigación por "NOTITIA CRIMINIS".

El problema es que la Fiscalía General de la República de Venezuela está controlada por el chavismo, ese mismo que controla todas las instituciones y poderes del país, y que actualmente comete el delito de "CONSPIRAR PARA DESTRUIR LA FORMA POLITICA REPUBLICANA QUE SE HA DADO LA NACION", tipificado en el artículo 132 del Código Penal vigente.

No sería descabellado pensar que tales comisiones no solo alimentan la voraz corrupción de los nuevos burgueses bolivarianos, llamados "boliburgueses", sino que sirven para financiar el pago de armas a los grupos civiles que persiguen y asesinan a los opositores en Venezuela.

Para tener una idea de quienes pudieran estar involucrados en tamaña corrupción, podriamos averiguar que proyectos de metro se ejecutaron entre el 2001 y el 2007, en que estados, y quienes eran los gobernadores de dichos estados y las autoridades involucradas en el Ministerio de Infraestructura. El video arriba presentado pudiera ser revelador.

Mientras tanto, los venezolanos conscientes debemos continuar impulsando las acciones legítimas, legales, democráticas y constitucionales amparadas en los artículos 333 y 350 de la Constitución Nacional, sin ambiguedades ni ambages, a fin de recuperar la democracia y la decencia en Venezuela.


Ver el Comunicado del SEC (en inglés):

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008


Un grupo de abogados venezolanos presentó ante la fiscalía de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) una denuncia contra el presidente Hugo Chávez por presuntos delitos de lesa humanidad.

El representante de los presos, Hermán Escarrá, explicó a Efe que la denuncia "se amparan en el artículo 7 del Estatuto de Roma, que habla del crimen de lesa humanidad por no respetar los derechos humanos".

Precisó que ese artículo "describe como delito de lesa humanidad cuando hay una política del Estado -no puede ser un caso particular- dirigida a producir detenciones indebidas, a producir retenciones de orden físico violando la norma internacional de los derechos humanos",

En vigor desde julio de 2002, el Estatuto de Roma es el que regula el funcionamiento de la CPI, que, con sede en La Haya, es el primer organismo judicial internacional de carácter permanente encargado de perseguir y condenar los más graves crímenes, cometidos por individuos, en contra del Derecho Internacional.

Escarrá especificó que a los presos se les retiene en la cárcel excediendo los plazos legales de permanencia en prisión preventiva y se les mantiene presos entre 4 y 6 años, mientras que la ley venezolana estipula que el tiempo de prisión en espera del juicio no debe exceder los dos años.

"El Código Orgánico Procesal Penal regula los plazos, pero lamentablemente no se cumplen, al igual que la Constitución, que tampoco se cumple", indicó el letrado, quien denunció que "en Venezuela hay una dictadura disfrazada".

El abogado aseguró que representa a "38 presos políticos y de antojo presidencial o presos personales", que son a los que se detiene a petición del presidente venezolano por motivos de talante personal.

Como ejemplo puso el caso del "joven empresario Gustavo Arraiz, al que se le detuvo por una supuesta relación con la hija del presidente Chávez, cuando eso no fue verdad".

"Aún así, se le abrió un expediente, se le encarceló y se persiguió a su familia", denunció el representante de los presos.

Con la denuncia presentada hoy "estamos iniciando el trámite de apertura de un caso contra el presidente Chávez", dijo Escarrá, quien afirmó que desconoce el tiempo que los fiscales de la CPI necesitarán para analizar su demanda y decidir si abren o no un investigación contra el presidente venezolano.

El letrado también recordó que "hay tres formas de acercarse a la Corte: a través de un Estado, a través del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU o directamente a través de las víctimas, poniendo los hechos de relieve ante el fiscal", que es el procedimiento que se sigue con la presentación hoy de esta demanda.

La CPI nunca comenta sobre las denuncias que se presentan ante su fiscalía, la cual solamente se pronuncia sobre las demandas que, tras el pertinente estudio de los casos, decide admitir para iniciar una investigación propia.


domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008



sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

Cuba’s President Raul Castro arrived on Saturday in Caracas on an official visit

Cuba’s President Raul Castro arrived on
Saturday in Caracas on an official visit at the invitation of his
Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez, who welcomed the Cuban leader at
the Simon Bolivar International Airport.

Following his arrival in Venezuela, Raul Castro laid a wreath at the
tomb of Latin American Independence Hero Simon Bolivar to later hold
official talks with the Venezuelan President. Just after laying the
wreath, the two heads of state toured the Plaza Bolivar square and
greeted the people at the place.

Raul Castro extended the Venezuelan people greetings from the people
of Cuba and Revolution leader Fidel Castro.

Upon his arrival in Caracas, the Cuban President recalled his stay in
that city nearly half a century ago. He said “we are here once again
like we did some 55 years ago when I came as a student, and the first
thing we did was paying homage to Simon Bolivar, the Liberator; it is
the first thing we will do today.”

Hugo Chavez extended Raul Castro the warmest welcome and said “it is
an honor to have you with us; we are welcoming you as well as we are
welcoming Fidel Castro and the Cuban people.” He added that in
receiving the Cuban President, Venezuela is also welcoming the Cuban
rebels who fought on the Sierra Maestra mountain range and the 50th
Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, “which is an example for all our
sister nations.”

The first visit abroad by Raul Castro as head of state will further
strengthen excellent bilateral relations between the Cuban and the
Venezuelan governments and people.

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008


Miami, Florida.- La Organización de Venezolanos en el Exilio, ORVEX, Capítulo USA, anunció hoy una concentración que se realizará al frente de La Casa Blanca, en la Avenida Pensylvania, Washington D.C., EE.UU., en la que se le solicitará al Presidente de los EE.UU., George W. Bush, que apruebe un decreto presidencial que otorgue una protección temporal conocida como "DED" (Deferred Enforced Departure) a fin de dar protección a miles de venezolanos que se encuentran en los Estados Unidos con asilos negados, o con su estadía vencida, y que temen regresar a un país en manos de un terrorista totalitario disfrazado de demócrata.

La concentración se realizará entre el lunes 12 de enero y el viernes 16 de enero del próximo año 2009, entre las 10 am y las 4 pm. Se espera que haya una vigilia posiblemente la noche del jueves 15 de enero hasta las 10 pm., y la misma se realizará al frente de La Casa Blanca, en la Avenida Pennsylvania de la capital norteamericana. "A pesar del frío que pueda haber [por ser invierno] ... el mismo jamás podrá ser comparable con la gélida muerte que se vive en Venezuela con el comunismo disfrazado de democracia de Hugo Chávez". indica la nota del evento que aparece en FACEBOOK.

A diferencia del TPS ("Temporary Protection Status"), o "Estatus de Protección Temporal", el cual debe ser pedido por las autoridades gubernamentales del país cuyos nacionales se encuentran ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos y aprobado por el Secretario del Departamento de Seguridad Interna ("Homeland Security"), el DED es una decisión ejecutiva del Presidente de los Estados Unidos.

El DED se otorgó por primera vez en los Estados Unidos en 1990, y el mismo ha beneficiado a grupos de personas procedentes de LIBERIA, CHINA, HAITI y EL SALVADOR. Hasta la fecha, esta protección ha sido otorgada en cinco (5) ocasiones, y esperamos que el Presidente George W. Bush la apruebe para los venezolanos antes de entregar el poder el 20 de enero de 2009; de ser así, VENEZUELA sería el 6to. caso.

El DED lo comenzó a promover ORVEX desde Octubre de 2005. Actualmente, el Presidente George W. Bush tiene la solicitud en su escritorio gracias a la intercesión de varios congresistas federales, entre ellos Lincoln Diaz-Balart, en base a un petición formal que hicieran ellos a finales de Marzo de 2007.

Aún cuando no la ha aprobado, George W. Bush tampoco ha negado el DED a los Venezolanos.

ORVEX hace un llamado para que todas las personas, sean venezolanos o no, y en la medida de sus posibilidades, hagan acto de presencia en la concentración, asi sea un día solamente, a fin de darle fuerza a esta petición para que la apruebe George W. Bush antes de que entregue el poder el 20 de enero de 2009.

Para más información, comunicarse con ORVEX al telf.: (305) 718-8377 y/o (305) 300-7592, buscar el evento en FACEBOOK, o escribir un e-mail a


Para ver el evento en FACEBOOK:

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008


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domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

Opposition parties in Venezuela have issued a formal rejection of a plan by Hugo Chavez to stand a third time for the Presidency.

In a joint statement, the opposition said: "Fourteen years are sufficient."
Mr Chavez has urged Congress to consider a constitutional amendment that would allow candidates to contest the presidency for more than two terms.
Mr Chavez, marking 10 years since his first election as president, is seeking reforms that would let him stand again when his latest term ends in 2012.
Last year, he lost a referendum on the issue and opposition parties say it cannot be voted on again.
Thousands of supporters of the president gathered outside the presidential palace in Caracas on Saturday to mark the 10th anniversary of his first election victory in December 1998.
But opposition parties issued a joint statement saying the president's re-election proposals were "anti-democratic, unconstitutional and against the national interest".


sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2008

Hugo Chavez the manwanwa is over.... oil prices dropping at lowest levels

Oil prices in Venezuela dropped to 34.49 U.S. dollars per barrel on Friday, the lowest since prices began to fall six months ago when a barrel cost as much as 129.54 dollars.

It meant a loss of 5.1 dollars from 39.59 dollars per barrel on Nov. 28.

"Crude oil prices (in Venezuela) continued dropping for the liquidation of crude contracts in the future markets, due to the economic recession in main consumer countries, which is reflected in deterioration of oil demand," the Venezuelan Energy and Oil Ministry said.

On Friday, the oil price of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) closed at 43.12 dollars per barrel, while that of the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) was 48.23 dollars.

However, the yearly average was still 91.62 dollars per barrel, which was 26.88 dollars more than the 64.74 dollars of the 2007 yearly average.

Se le acabo la manguangua a la revolucion ....vienen tiempos de vacas flacas y pretendes gastarte todo los ahorros de la nacion en Propaganda electoral .

Pueblo venezolano ese presidente les sale muy caro ... todo el dinero se va en propaganda y bochinche BOCHINCHE (decia Miranda)...tiene tantos enemigos que sale carisimo mantener la seguridad presidencial cuesta billones ....y eso no garantiza que en cualquier momento lo mate un militar a su diestra.

busquen un presidente mas barato pa que les rindan los reales ...

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008


CARCELES O ANCIANATOS NADA FUNCIONA BIEN )los chavistas son mutantes dementes


miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008



12.02.08Chavez Nixes Cyndi Lauper Concert Because She’s Pro-Gay
Posted in Advocate Articles, Gay Rights at 4:44 pm by pikapp44
Cyndi Lauper was supposed to conclude her world tour over the weekend with a concert in Caracas, Venezuela — but according to and a blog posting on one of her fan sites, the concert was canceled because of her support of gay rights.

According to the posting, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez canceled the concert because he “had fear of political protests.” He also allegedly opposed Lauper’s endorsement of President-elect Barack Obama and her outspoken support of gay rights.

Lauper is expected to comment on the canceled concert in a blog posting on her official website,

domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

HUGO CHAVEZ : elcciones 2008 , manwanwa canta fraude

Reflexiones sobre el 23N

1. De haber elecciones libres y transparentes, la oposición venezolana arrasaría en casi todas las gobernaciones y alcaldías en los comicios del 23 de noviembre; porque Chávez ya no cuenta con respaldo popular; se mantiene en el poder mediante la compra de conciencias, la propaganda, y el terror.

2. El 23N Chávez cometerá -como lo ha venido haciendo desde hace años- un fraude masivo. Sin embargo, reconocerá el triunfo de la oposición en algunas regiones, para dar apariencia de pulcritud en los comicios y para aparentar que en Venezuela todavía existe una democracia.

3. Exceptuando algunos candidatos, los líderes de oposición no querrán defender los verdaderos resultados; y al cabo de pocos días, llamarán a la gente a prepararse para las elecciones parlamentarias. Únicamente las protestas de calle podrían forzar al Gobierno a respetar la voluntad popular.

4. Que conste: no estoy llamando a la abstención; pero votar no sirve de nada, si la gente no está dispuesta a defender su voto en la calle, una vez se materialice el fraude.

5. En Venezuela no hay -ni habrá- salida electoral a la crisis. El 2 de diciembre de 2008, los venezolanos derrotaron la reforma constitucional, pero no porque haya habido un triunfo en el referendo (que sí lo hubo), sino porque el pueblo estaba dispuesto a salir a la calle a defender su voto, y las Fuerzas Armadas se negaban a reprimirlo.

6. La única forma de lograr un cambio de gobierno en nuestro país es a través de la aplicación del Artículo 350 de la Constitución, que legitima la desobediencia civil y militar. Mientras la sociedad venezolana no acepte esa realidad, Chávez seguirá en el poder indefinidamente.

7. Los actuales dirigentes de oposición no están capacitados para guiar al país durante la crisis que se avecina. Hace falta una nueva camada de líderes, cuya prioridad sea la patria, y no el partido, ni el cargo público.

8. Estas reflexiones no son agradables, pero considero mi deber expresarlas públicamente, porque alguien debe decirle la verdad a los venezolanos, aunque no deseen escucharla.

9. El colapso del precio del petróleo marca el fin del gobierno de Chávez y de su proyecto continental, pero eso no significa que debamos abandonar la lucha; todo lo contrario, hay que arreciar los esfuerzos para recuperar la libertad y la democracia.

10. El modelo chavista es contrario a la identidad y a los intereses del pueblo venezolano. Es imposible que prevalezca en el tiempo. Por eso, debemos mantener el optimismo y la esperanza.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

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miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008


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martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008



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lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2008

le falta poco ....


lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008


the cheap diesel and supplys in Venezuelan water can result in
the waikery fishermans are adicted to crack !
hunting vessels like in Somalia ....even worse
HUGO CHAVEZ GANGS who hate foreing people european guys are mistaken as Gringos...
ABORT YOUR TRIP NOW dont be stupid
GO ARUBA , CURAZAO or wherever ...

ESTE ES UN ALERTA MANWANWA para las aguas de oriente , las cuales estan infectadas de piratas guaiqueries chavistas que atracan y matan ,violan turistas de los veleros y otras embarcaciones destruyendo el turismo nacional ...manwanwa es 5 idiomas y en marachucho.

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sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008


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que opina usted de Hugo Chavez ? What do you think about Hugo Chavez ?

usted lo vio por ...

usted lo vio por ...
desde la Alta Florida

de 7 estrellas ....

de 7 estrellas ....
linea dura contra Chavez.


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